“What do you do?”

It’s the eternal ice breaker. For some, it’s a quick way to size someone up, for others they aren’t so much interested in your answer, but are keen to tell you what they’re all about. It can lead to an interesting discussion, and depending on the profession, it may prompt some testy comments because there are always preconceived ideas about what someone else does.

For financial advisers, answering the question can bring a variety of interesting responses.

There are many ways it can go.

Read the full “The Core Confidence of Advice” post.

This represents general information only. Before making any financial or investment decisions, I suggest you consult a financial adviser to take into account your personal investment objectives, financial situation and individual needs. Anyone looking to build a portfolio should seek financial advice to find out which strategy is right for them, if you are looking for a fiduciary in Australia, then you should consider one of Australia’s fiduciary financial advisers who are certified by CEFEX to ensure your needs are put first.