Often hindsight can be a good teacher. Revisiting things away from the time and place they were said. Being able to look at them in another context. Pieces of information can be glued together; patterns can emerge, and the totality of a message becomes clear.

Looking back on the daily or weekly cycle of the news can bring some laughs in this respect. Usually, it happens when uncovering some old “treasure”. Moving into a new house and finding a stack of ancient newspapers. Maybe piling newspapers up in the shed to lay over garden beds, but you forget about them, only to uncover them years later.

Oxidisation may have turned the paper yellow, but the dated ink is still legible and a reminder of how quickly things change. Inflation’s impact over time as groceries, clothes, cars and houses double or triple in price. Stories we were meant to worry about that fizzled out to nothing. Opinion pieces that look strange with the passing of time. News can age poorly.

In the future, going down this newspaper memory lane will be a lot harder to do. There will be less physical evidence of historic news. No old pages to turn, distracting you from your plans for hours. Newspapers are slowly disappearing. Walk down any street today as the sun is rising. You might see only one or two houses who’ve had a daily newspaper delivered.

Read the full “Why Would Anyone Invest?” post.

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