One of the nice things about modern life is we all get to share our opinions. They’re no longer restricted to just being unleashed on the company we keep, moderated by a switchboard operator at a radio station or cut for clarity by the editor at the newspaper. Got something to say? We can shout it out into the world, unfiltered across numerous platforms catering to our words.

The media and social media actively solicit our opinions because it helps keep them in business, and opinions have launched thousands of podcasts where people can yaffle on and tell us what they think. As much as being opinionated is now something of an economy, the validity of rampant opinion making has always had a question mark hanging over it. Back in the 1980’s Clint Eastwood’s Harry Callahan summed opinions up in his typically blunt fashion when someone offered a critique of his methods: “opinions are like rear-ends (edited for taste). Everyone has one.”

Those not charmed by Dirty Harry’s uncouth wisdom can find a more nuanced take from Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius back in 167 AD: “It is in our power to have no opinion about a thing, and not to be disturbed in our soul; for things themselves have no natural power to form our judgements.”

If we’re allowed to interpret Mr Aurelius’ words, he’s suggesting opinions are a choice and no harm comes from not having one. Further, we’re not forced by anything external to have an opinion on anything.

Read the full “Rules Should Silence Opinions” post.

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