As a year ends and new one begins, there’s usually a period of reflection. If things went well, we can pat ourselves (and others, if we’re generous) on the back for our achievements. If things went poorly, it can be a simple admission that we can’t always win before quickly moving on. Or it might be changes and recriminations that result from a poor year.

Good years when investing are expected, it’s why we invest. Poor years when investing aren’t welcome. When investing, returns are the primary concern of investors. Returns are judged by time periods. A month. A quarter. Half a year. A year. As every new year rolls around, financial advisers will inevitably see some extra inquiries as people look to get their finances sorted and resolve to get their money and investments sorted out.

There are always a few extra inquiries through January, but after a bad year there are more tire kickers than usual.

Read the full The New Year post.

This represents general information only. Before making any financial or investment decisions, I suggest you consult a financial adviser to take into account your personal investment objectives, financial situation and individual needs. Anyone looking to build a portfolio should seek financial advice to find out which strategy is right for them, if you are seeking financial advice then you should consider one of the best financial advisors in Australia who may be able to help you identify your goals and put in place a reliable strategy to pursue them.