Why Advice

Eight months down, all contributions made as intended. As noted a few months back, the time you have the opportunity to buy plays a large determinant in your returns month to month. In the first ten days of February, global small companies moved up 6.7%. Guess when I had the opportunity to make my buy […]

Click video to listen to article. A great relationship, a newborn son, and a successful career as an actor. In 2008, Matthew McConaughey was feeling pretty good about his life in California. Then an unexpected family health emergency took him back to his home state of Texas. Of all places, McConaughey and his young family […]

Seven months down, all contributions made as intended. However, month seven brought another round of quarterly distributions. This prompted the question of what to do with those distributions. They would be reinvested, but how? I don’t believe I’ve touched on what to do about rebalancing. The lowest impact option in this case I think is […]

Advisers have always had to deal with weird and wacky clients. Not all. Not Some. Just a few. Some can’t be helped. For advisers they’re best avoided. Dealing with a recalcitrant is tiring and time consuming. In a sense, it’s no different to a class room. Financial advice has an education component. At some point […]

Six months down, all contributions made as intended. Didn’t fall into the same trap as last month. Tried to put the money into the account and just place the trade. That happened. Again, it’s a situation where the inexperienced could find themselves lured by the seduction of market timing. Below shows where I bought the […]

Five months in and contributions have not been altered. This is a positive, as it should be noted I also still have a bunch of stocks in a broking account. These have been performing very strongly. I don’t place this down to any skill, equity markets are hot and that’s the result. There’s always that […]

Four months in and still going strong, it’s more like a saving money project at the moment. Progress after contributions. Portfolio End July: -0.44% Portfolio End August: 1.03% Portfolio End September: 0.46% Portfolio End October: -0.14% These are time weighted and not money weighted. I’ll look at better ways to analyse returns later in the […]

The Australian Financial Review covered the Evans Dixon, Dixon Advisory, E&P saga this morning, or whatever they want to call themselves now to hide their past. For those unfortunates who were involved, it’s a sad tale. Hindsight will have them questioning how they found themselves in the mess. They will be mourning both money and […]

Dealing With High Achievers

October 13, 2020

Excuse the clichéd stock image for the topic at hand. An interesting article appeared at RIA Intel discussing “smart, young, high-earners who can be more exacting in their wishes.” Take, for example, Elizabeth (who wished to remain anonymous), a 36-year-old single physician in New York City who has considered hiring an advisor but so far […]

Three months in and it hasn’t been hard to maintain discipline. I’ll talk about that later. Progress after contributions. Portfolio End July: -0.44% Portfolio End August: 1.03% Portfolio End September: 0.46% Lost a little bit in September, though it’s pretty much a who cares issue. Mentally this process is being treated as a savings account. […]