Why Advice

It went without mention at the time, but a few weeks back we ticked over 600 columns/articles/ blog posts. So, before we get too much further into writing our next 600, we thought it was a milestone worthy of reflection. We started writing back in 2010 after being offered a column in our local newspaper, […]

Often hindsight can be a good teacher. Revisiting things away from the time and place they were said. Being able to look at them in another context. Pieces of information can be glued together; patterns can emerge, and the totality of a message becomes clear. Looking back on the daily or weekly cycle of the […]

Left this update a little longer than usual and can’t exactly remember how last month went. This might be a good thing, as I’m not spending too much time thinking about things! Logged into my account and the transaction history says I split the month’s contribution on the forth of April between global large and […]

John D. Rockefeller once said “Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in”. Rockefeller was once the richest man in the world, and according to some, the richest man who ever lived. Hopefully dividends being his only source of pleasure wasn’t a commentary on how happy […]

Over the past decade investing has become more accessible. Anyone who wants to do more than leave their money in the bank has an ever-increasing number of investment platforms to access financial markets. With the rise of exchange traded funds (ETFs), investors can move beyond just stock picking to be broadly diversified or (more dubiously) […]

Bit of a wild month. The banking world was about to melt down and take the whole financial world with it. Didn’t quite eventuate, so discipline won again. Made the contribution on the first day of the month and hoped the market would do me a solid. Split the contribution and allocated to global value […]

The 18th president of the United States and the Commanding General of the Union Army, Ulysses S. Grant, spent the final year of his life in a desperate race to write his memoirs. Complaining of a sore throat in the summer of 1884, Grant delayed seeing a doctor until mid-autumn where it was confirmed he was […]

You might have heard about the latest superannuation changes, and you’ll have to forgive us if we sound somewhat jaded by yet more changes. Superannuation has been the plaything of government for a long time. There’s a copy of Business Review Weekly from 1998 that floats around our office and the feature on the cover […]

Despite the calls of recession and the “should I delay my investing purchases” questions that are being asked across all manner of finance and investment forums now, it’s putting your head down and getting on with it that’s proving to be the prudent act (more on that later). For me, it was another decent month. […]

“What do you do?” It’s the eternal ice breaker. For some, it’s a quick way to size someone up, for others they aren’t so much interested in your answer, but are keen to tell you what they’re all about. It can lead to an interesting discussion, and depending on the profession, it may prompt some […]