Why Advice

Affinity Fraud & AI

February 19, 2023

Australian hedge fund manager John Hempton has spent a good part of his career rooting out frauds, both in Australia and overseas. He exposed Trio Capital in Australia ($176 million lost) and was vocal on German payment processor, Wirecard, before it eventually was proven fraudulent vaporising billions as it went down. To expose frauds requires some detective work. It’s […]

As a year ends and new one begins, there’s usually a period of reflection. If things went well, we can pat ourselves (and others, if we’re generous) on the back for our achievements. If things went poorly, it can be a simple admission that we can’t always win before quickly moving on. Or it might […]

A good one to start off the year. As is customary now, I have the contribution ready to roll at the beginning of the month and sent it over. Didn’t delay and added 1x contribution to Australian high yield. It promptly went on a tear and I think was up 7-8% for the month. If […]

A late one to round out month 30 and 2022. Sent the contribution early, 1x as standard, invested into global value and was punished for it as a lot of things sold off during December. My response? Meh. I ran a dollar cost vs lump sum or wade vs plunge experiment over 30 years for […]

The smooth journey. The sea that is calm. The air without turbulence. The road that is freshly paved. For many of us, there is a constant in life. We want our journeys to be smooth and we want to get where we are going with the least number of bumps, jumps and sore rumps. As […]

When it comes to investing, survivorship bias is generally seen as a bad thing. It’s a smokescreen. Something that throws investors off course and can distract their attention. The big wins are always an attraction for the media. On a more personal level, friends, family, or work colleagues are more likely to offer up their […]

Month 29 of the discipline project and it was a nice month, if they could all be like that it would be an easy game. Sent the contribution early in the month, it may have actually been sent on the last day of October, but these days I waste no time. As the platform I […]

FTX Lessons

November 19, 2022

Another week and it seems almost guaranteed that another fraud, failure, or disaster will emerge in the cryptocurrency world. The latest is the bankruptcy of FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange and trading business founded by Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF for short) and said to be the second or third largest in the space, depending on who you […]

The End of the World Portfolio

November 11, 2022

Veteran Wall Street floor trader Art Cashin was 18 at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Cashin’s father died in his last year of high school, so Cashin bypassed college and made the leap to Wall Street to help support his family. The education he received there was more about street smarts than book […]

“You’re telling me interest rates go up?” The increase in interest rates has surprised and panicked a lot of peeps. Heading south for almost a decade in Australia, they’re basically back to where they were in 2013. Only they moved from almost zero, back to where they were in 2013 in seven months. Ouch. I […]